Main research field |
Currently I develop my research in the following lines:
- L1: Design and control of power electronic converters for industrial applications and renewable energy.
- L2: Innovations in education applied to the teaching of power electronics,
Research Projects |
- CICYT - ENE2007-67417/ALT (68.244,0€, 2007.10~2010.09): "Development of new Power Converters and Control Circuits for Grid connected Wind Generators" developed by S. de Pablo, F. Martínez, L.C. Herrero, S. Cáceres and J.A. Cebrián.
- JCYL - VA021B06 (9.900,0€, 2006.01~2007.12): "Study and implementation on a 5 KW prototype of AC/AC converters' commutation techniques" developed by L.C. Herrero, F. Martínez, S. de Pablo and A.B. Rey.
- JCYL - VA004B06 (9.900,0€, 2006.01~2007.12): "Development of flexible control structures for DC/AC power converters using FPGA devices" developed by S. de Pablo, S. Cáceres, L.C. Herrero, F. Martínez, J.A. Cebrián, E. Vicente and A.B. Rey.
- JOR-3-CT98-7005 (9.900,0€, 1988.08~2001.02): "Optimun DSPs Based Solar Energy management for multiproposer aplication: House, Water pump,..." developed by S. Lorenzo, F.J. de Andrés, A.E. Arránz, S. Cáceres, J.A. Domínguez, J.M. González, P. Gutiérrez, L.C. Herrero, F. Martínez, J.M. Mena, S. de Pablo, M.C. Pérez, F.J. Plaza, M.C. Quintano, J.M. Ruiz, and M.I. del Valle.
Research Contracts |
- LACECAL - xxx/xxxxxx (564.498,69€, 2009.01~2011.12): "Partnership contract for development of six research projects (I + D + i) and advice on activities tecnologógica: EMC, test equipment, technical review and quality testing, and distance learning" developed by S. Lorenzo, J.J. Buey, P.L. Díez, J.A. Dominguez, J. M. González, P. Gutierrez, L.C. Herrero, A. Martín, J.M. Mena, J.M. Ruiz and A. Vega. Article 83 of Organic Law 6 / 2001 of 21 December, on Universities.
- LACECAL - xxx/xxxxxx (280.272,70€, 2007.09~2009.09): "Partnership contract for development of three research projects (I + D + i) and advice on activities tecnologógica: EMC, test equipment, technical review and quality testing, and distance learning" developed by S. Lorenzo, P.L. Díez, J.A. Dominguez, J. M. González, P. Gutierrez, L.C. Herrero, J.M. Ruiz, M.I. del Valle and A. Vega. Article 83 of Organic Law 6 / 2001 of 21 December, on Universities.
- EZONO - 061/063951 (32.480,0€, 2007.08~2008.08): "Implementation of a signal processing platform on a FPGA using a PCI Express bus for input/output" developed by S. de Pablo, S. Cáceres, J.A. Cebrian, L.C. Herrero, F. Martínez, A.B. Rey and E. Vicente. Article 83 of Organic Law 6 / 2001 of 21 December, on Universities.
- ISEND - 061/073951 (52.200,0€, 2007.01~2008.06): "Test of printed circuit boards for nondestructive testing equipment" developed by S. Cáceres y S. de Pablo, J.A. Cebrián, L.C. Herrero and F. Martínez. Article 83 of Organic Law 6 / 2001 of 21 December, on Universities.
- LACECAL - xxx/xxxxxx (139.190,37€, 2006.10~2007.10): "Contract work together to technological advisory activities: EMC, test equipment, technical review and quality testing, distance training and investment in R + D + i (projects)" developed by S. Lorenzo, J.J. Buey, J.A. Dominguez, J. M. González, P. Gutierrez, J.M. Ruiz, M.I. del Valle, A. Vega and L.C. Herrero. Article 83 of Organic Law 6 / 2001 of 21 December, on Universities.
- EZONO - 061/073952 (23.200,0€, 2006.01~2006.09): "Implementation of a signal processing platform on a FPGA using a PCI Express bus for input/output" developed by S. de Pablo, S. Cáceres, J.A. Cebrián, L.C. Herrero and A.B. Rey. Article 83 of Organic Law 6 / 2001 of 21 December, on Universities.
- FASESA - xxx/xxxxxx (6.725,57€, 1998.07~1998.12): "Work or travel in counseling and repair" developed by S. Lorenzo, F.J. de Andrés, A.E. Arránz, S. Cáceres, J.A. Domínguez, J.M. González, L.C. Herrero, A. Martín, F. Martínez, J.M. Mena, S. de Pablo, M.C. Pérez, F.J. Plaza, M.C. Qintamo. J.M. Ruiz, M.I. del Valle, and J.L. Vaquero. Equivalent to Article 83 of Organic Law 6 / 2001 of 21 December, on Universities.
- ITELSA - xxx/xxxxxx (111.547,85€, 1997.04~1998.12): "Collaboration agreement for the development of irrigation equipment and photovoltaic solar home" developed by S. Lorenzo, F.J. de Andrés, A.E. Arránz, J.M. González, L.C. Herrero, F. Martínez, J.M. Mena, M.C. Pérez, F.J. Plaza, M.C. Qintamo. J.M. Ruiz, and M.I. del Valle. Equivalent to Article 83 of Organic Law 6 / 2001 of 21 December, on Universities.
- FASESA - xxx/xxxxxx (295,15€, 1996.01~1996.12): "Work or travel in counseling and repair" developed by S. Lorenzo, F.J. de Andrés, A.E. Arránz, S. Cáceres, J.A. Domínguez, J.M. González, L.C. Herrero, J.I. Lobo, A. Martín, S. de Pablo, F.J. Plaza, J.M. Ruiz, M.I. del Valle, and J.L. Vaquero. Equivalent to Article 83 of Organic Law 6 / 2001 of 21 December, on Universities.
- EDIBON - xxx/xxxxxx (542,53€, 1995.01~1995.12): "Work or travel in counseling and repair" developed by S. Lorenzo, F.J. de Andrés, A.E. Arránz, S. Cáceres, J.A. Domínguez, J.M. González, L.C. Herrero, J.I. Lobo, A. Martín, S. de Pablo, F.J. Plaza, J.M. Ruiz, M.I. del Valle, and J.L. Vaquero. Equivalent to Article 83 of Organic Law 6 / 2001 of 21 December, on Universities.
- EDIBON - xxx/xxxxxx (489.259,91€ (81.406.000 Ptas.), 1994.01~Negociación): "Collaboration Agreement for the Development of Practice modules: Core Modules, Simulation Global Local Networks, Network Hardware Development in Low Local Control and Regulation Process, Integration of Vision Teams developed CIM System, Modules Microprocessor fixed-point DSP, Microprocessor Modules Floating Point DSP" developed by S. Lorenzo, F.J. de Andrés, A.E. Arránz, S. Cáceres, J.A. Domínguez, J.M. González, L.C. Herrero, J.I. Lobo, A. Martín, S. de Pablo, F.J. Plaza, J.M. Ruiz, M.I. del Valle, and J.L. Vaquero. Equivalent to Article 83 of Organic Law 6 / 2001 of 21 December, on Universities.
- EDIBON - xxx/xxxxxx (321.375,26€ (53.472.344 Ptas.), 1992.10~1993.12): "Desarrollo de Módulos Didácticos (Software-Hardware), Equipos Serie TECNEL de EDIBON, para: Regulación y Control; Servosistemas en Accionamientos Industriales; Microprocesadores basados en Z-80; Microprocesadores basados en 8051; Microprocesadores basados en 68000 y Convertidores A/D y D/A" developed by S. Lorenzo, F.J. de Andrés, A.E. Arránz, S. Cáceres, J.A. Domínguez, J.M. González, L.C. Herrero, J.I. Lobo, A. Martín, S. de Pablo, F.J. Plaza, J.M. Ruiz, M.I. del Valle, and J.L. Vaquero. Equivalent to Article 83 of Organic Law 6 / 2001 of 21 December, on Universities.
- EDIBON - xxx/xxxxxx (46.879,94€ (7.800.000 Ptas.), 1990.06~1992.07): "Desarrollo de Hardware y Software para Equipos Didácticos con control digital desde PC utilizando DSP (Procesador para Tratamiento Digital de la Señal)". Equipos Serie TECNEL de EDIBON." developed by S. Lorenzo, F.J. de Andrés, A.E. Arránz, S. Cáceres, J.A. Domínguez, J.M. González, L.C. Herrero, J.I. Lobo, A. Martín, S. de Pablo, F.J. Plaza, J.M. Ruiz, M.I. del Valle, and J.L. Vaquero. Equivalent to Article 83 of Organic Law 6 / 2001 of 21 December, on Universities.
Teaching Innovation Projects |
- GIDEPUVa - GID-2011/118 (1.200€, 2011.04~2012.08): "Creating Teaching Innovation Group on Power Electronics of the UVa (GIDEP UVa)" developed by L.C. Herrero, J.J. Buey, S. de Pablo, J.A. Domínguez, J.M. González, M. González, F. Martínez, F.R. Pardo, and J.M. Ruiz.
- GID-2009/27 (€0,0, 2009.10~2010.09): "Project coordination, action and innovation tutorial teaching subjects of the degree of Industrial Engineering, specializing in Industrial Electronics." developed by L.C. Herrero, M.L. González, A.E. Arranz, E. Cuesta, M. Fernando, I.M. Jorrín, M.A. Martín, J.E. Martín, A. Martínez, J.M. Mena, I. Mozo, S. de Pablo, F.R. Pardo, F.J. Plaza, and J.M. Ruiz.
- GID-2008/02 (€0,0, 2008.10~2009.09): "Analysis and study of teaching methods and skills in Industrial Engineering, specializing in Industrial Electronics." developed by L.C. Herrero, M.L. González, L.F. Acebes, I. Alonso, A.E. Arranz, L.M Arribas, G. Gutierrez, M.A. Martín, J.E. Martín, M. Mediavilla, J.M. Mena, I. Mozo, F.R. Pardo, F.J. Plaza, M.C. Quintano and M.C. Velasco.
- GID-2007/13 (€0,0, 2007.10~2008.09): "Implementation and evaluation of new teaching and assessment methods in Industrial Engineering Specialty Electronics." developed by L.C. Herrero, M.L. González, L.F. Acebes, A.E. Arranz, L.M Arribas, M.L. Fernando, M.A. Martín, J.E. Martín, M.C. Martínez, M. Mediavilla, J.M. Mena, I. Mozo, F.R. Pardo, M.C. Quintano, and M.C. Velasco.
- UV23/06 (€4,500, 2006.12~2007.06): "Adaptation of the E. U. P. University of Valladolid to the European Higher Education with the participation of colleges in Valladolid, Zamora and Burgos" developed by M.A. Martín, I. Vicente, L.F. Acebes, M.E. Alarcia, O. Angulo, A.E. Arranz, L.M. Arribas, R. Caballero, E. Cuesta, C. Encinar, D. Escudero, M.N. Fernández, M.L. Fernando, F.J. García, J.M. García, J. González, J.M. González, M.L. González, L.C. Herrero, I. López, A. Lorenzana, D. Llanos, S. Martín, J.V. López, B. Martínez, M.C. Martínez, F. Martínez, M. Mediavilla, J.M. Mena, M. Morán, J.R. Páramo, M.R. Patiño, C. Pérez, M.E. Pérez, A. Portillo, R.E. Prádanos, J.M. Ruiz, I. Sánchez, J.M. Sanz, A. Tarrero, A. de Uña and M.C. Velasco.
- UV25/05 (6.750€, 2005.12~2006.06): "Teacher training and development of pilot experiences in relation to the European convergence in engineering education" developed by M.A. Martín, G. Arranz, L.M. Arribas, R. Caballero, U. Domínguez, M.A. Esandi, D. Escudero, M.L. Fernando, F.A. Frechoso, J.M. García, J. González, M.L. González, F. Heres, L.C. Herrero, J. Magdaleno, S. Martín, F. Martínez, M. Mediavilla, M. Morán, J.R. Páramo, J. Peláez, C. Pérez, F. Raya, J. Ruiz, J.M. Ruiz, A. Ruiz, A. Tarrero and A. de Uña.
Since 2005, I've been working on various projects of educational innovation driven by: the Directorate of Escuela Universitaria Politécnica / Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales at University of Valladolid (UVa), the University of Valladolid (UVa),the Study Group on Teaching Innovation in Engineering (GREIDI) and the group of educational innovation in Power Electronics at UVa (GIDEPUVa).
Ph.D. Thesis |
Nowadays my research is focused, whithin the epYme workgroup, on the application of Reconfigurable Devices (mainly FPGAs) to control Power Electronics Converters (DC/AC and AC/AC, mainly). At the workgroup we have developed the following Ph.D. Thesis:
- Estudio y Simulación de Convertidores CA/CA Directos 3x3 en Matriz de Conversión controlados mediante Sliding Fuente de Corriente authored by Dr. Luis Carlos Herrero de Lucas and mentored by Dr. S. de Pablo and Dr. J.M. Ruiz.
- Control de aerogeneradores de paso fijo para extraer la máxima potencia eólica authored by Dr. Fernando Martínez Rodrigo and mentored by Dr. J.M. Ruiz and Dr. J.A. Domínguez.
- Estudio de la Aplicación de los Dispositivos Programables tipo FPGA al Diseño de Circuitos Digitales de Comunicación authored by Dr. Luis José Vaquero Garrote and mentored by Dr. S. de Pablo.
- Control Digital Vectorial con Sliding en Fuente de Corriente para Convertidores CC/CA Trifásicos conectados a Red authored by Dr. Alexis B. Rey Boué and mentored by Dr. S. de Pablo and Dr. J.M. Ruiz.
- Estudio del Test de Tarjetas de Circuito Impreso con Circuitos Digitales VLSI y Memorias RAM authored by Dr. Santiago Cáceres Gómez and mentored by Dr. J.M. Ruiz.
- Arquitecturas y Algoritmos para el Tratamiento y la Segmentación de Imágenes en Tiempo Real authored by Dr. Santiago de Pablo Gómez and mentored by Dr. S. Lorenzo.