- D. Ramirez, L.C. Herrero, S. de Pablo, and F. Martinez, "Control Strategies for STATCOMs. Static Compensators in Power Systems", Springer, ISBN 978-981-287-280-7, 30 p., 2014.
- F. Martinez, L.C. Herrero, and S. de Pablo, "Convertidores Continua-Continua", Secretariado de Publicaciones, Universidad de Valladolid, ISBN 978-84-8448-493-6, 160 p., 2008.
- F. Martinez, "Fixed Pitch Wind Turbine Control to Generate the Maximum Power", UMI Dissertation Services, ISBN 0-542-53406-1, 255 p., 2006, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
- F. Martinez, L.C. Herrero, and J.M. Gonzalez, "Control Electronico y Simulacion de Motores de Corriente Alterna", Secretariado de Publicaciones, Universidad de Valladolid, ISBN 978-84-8448-397-7, 96 p., 2006.
- Y.N. Bakir, S. de Pablo, F. Martinez, Z.A. Aljawary, and L.C. Herrero, "Nearest Vector Control Method Applied to an MMC for PV Generation", Energies, Vol. 17(8), DOI 10.3390/en17081795, 09/04/2024.
- F. Martinez, S. de Pablo, D. Ramirez, L.C. Herrero, and Z.A. Aljawary, "MMC-based topology for grid connection of wind generators with phase and arm power balancing", Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 218, DOI 10.1016/j.epsr.2023.109218, 05/2023.
- L.C. Herrero, F. Martinez, S. de Pablo, D. Ramirez, and A.B. Rey-Boue, "Procedure for the Determination of the Student Workload and the Learning Environment Created in the Power Electronics Course Taught Through Project-Based", IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. 65(3), DOI 10.1109/TE.2021.3126694, 08/2022.
- F. Martinez, N. Delmonte, A.B. Rey-Boue, and N.F. Guerrero-Rodriguez, "Editorial: Grid Connection of Converters in Renewable Applications", Frontiers in Energy Research, Vol. 9, DOI 10.3389/fenrg.2021.750454, 06/10/2021.
- F. Martinez, D. Ramirez, S. de Pablo, and L.C. Herrero, "Connection System for Small and Medium-Size Wind Generators through the Integration in an MMC and NLC Modulation", Energies, Vol. 14(9), DOI https://doi.org/10.3390/en14092681, 07/05/2021.
- F. Martinez, S. de Pablo, L.C. Herrero, and D. Ramirez, "Smoothing of the intermittent power provided by wave power plants using ultracapacitors and a non-linear vector current controlled MMC", DYNA, Vol. 96(1), DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6036/9850, 01/01/2021.
- E.Buraimoh, I.E. Davidson, and F. Martinez, "Decentralized Fast Delayed Signal Cancelation Secondary Control for Low Voltage Ride-Through Application in Grid Supporting Grid Feeding Microgrid", Frontiers in Energy Research, Vol. 9, DOI https://doi.org/10.3389/fenrg.2021.643920, 15/04/2021.
- M.E. Zarei, M. Gupta, D. Ramirez, and F. Martinez, "Predictive control of a permanent magnet synchronous generator connected to an MMC converter in an oscillating water column based power plant", IET Renewable Power Generation, Vol. 14(2), DOI 10.1049/iet-rpg.2019.0888, 13/02/2020.
- Z.A. Aljawary, S. de Pablo, L.C. Herrero, and F. Martinez, "Local Carrier PWM for Modular Multilevel Converters with Distributed PV Cells and Circulating Current Reduction", Energies, Vol. 13(21), DOI 10.3390/en13215585, 26/10/2020.
- M.E. Zarei, M. Gupta, D Ramirez, and F. Martinez, "Switch Fault Tolerant Model-based Predictive Control (MPC) of a VSC Connected to the Grid", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, DOI 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2956042, 26/11/2019.
- E.Buraimoh, I.E. Davidson, and F. Martinez, "Fault Ride-Through Enhancement of Grid Supporting Inverter-Based Microgrid Using Delayed Signal Cancellation Algorithm Secondary Control", Energies, vol. 12(20), DOI https://doi.org/10.3390/en12203994, 21/10/2019.
- D. Ramirez, H. Mendonca, M. Blanco, and F. Martinez, "Non-linear vector current source for the control of permanent magnet synchronous generators in wave energy applications", IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 13, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, DOI 10.1049/iet-rpg.2019.0122, 07/10/2019.
- F. Martinez, D. Ramirez, H. Mendonca, and S. de Pablo, "MMC as nonlinear vector current source for grid connection of wave energy generation", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 113, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijepes.2019.06.012, 12/2019.
- F. Martinez, L.C. Herrero, S. de Pablo, A.B. Rey, and D. Ramirez, "Calculation of the number of modules and the switching frequency of a modular multilevel converter using near level control", Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 165, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsr.2018.08.019, 12/2018.
- A.B. Rey, F. Martinez, N.F. Guerrero, L.C. Herrero, and S. de Pablo, "Enhanced Controller for grid-connected Modular Multilevel Converters in distorted Utility Grids", Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 163, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsr.2018.06.011, 10/2018.
- F. Martinez, D. Ramirez, A.B. Rey, S. de Pablo, and L.C. Herrero, "Modular Multilevel Converters: Control and Applications", Energies, vol. 10-11, MDPI AG, ISSN 1996-1073, DOI 10.3390/en10111709, 26/10/2017.
- F. Martinez, L.C. Herrero, S. de Pablo, and A.B. Rey, "Using
PBL to Improve Educational Outcomes and Student Satisfaction in the Teaching of DC/DC and DC/AC Converters", IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 60, issue 3, IEEE Education Society, ISSN 0018-9359, DOI 10.1109/TE.2016.2643623, August 2017.
- D. Ramirez, F. Martinez, S. de Pablo, and L.C. Herrero, "Assessment of a non linear current control technique applied to MMC-HVDC during grid disturbances", Renewable Energy, vol. 101, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, ISSN 0960-1481, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2016.09.050, 2017.
- F. Martinez, S. de Pablo, and L.C. Herrero, "Current control of a modular multilevel converter for HVDC applications", Renewable Energy, vol. 83, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, ISSN 0960-1481, DOI:10.1016/j.renene.2015.04.037, 2015.
- A.B. Rey-Boue, N.F. Guerrero-Rodriguez, L.C. Herrero, and F. Martinez, "Control and synchronization algorithms for a grid-connected photovoltaic system under harmonic distortions, frequency variations and unbalances", Renewable Energy, vol. 80, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, ISSN 0960-1481, DOI:10.1016/j.renene.2015.02.027, 2015.
- F. Martinez, L.C. Herrero, and S. de Pablo, "Open Loop Wind Turbine Emulator", Renewable Energy, vol. 63, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, ISSN 0960-1481, DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2013.09.019, 2014.
- F. Martinez, S. de Pablo, and L.C. Herrero, "Emulador de Lazo Abierto para Turbinas Eolicas de Paso Fijo", Informacion Tecnologica, vol. 22, n. 2, La Serena, Chile, ISSN 0716-8756 (printed) and ISSN 0718-0764 (electronic), indexed at SciELO and Latindex, pp. 91-102, March 2011.
- F. Martinez, L.C. Herrero, and S. de Pablo, "Project-Based Learning and Rubrics in the Teaching of Power Supplies and Photovoltaic Electricity", IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 54, issue 1, IEEE Education Society, ISSN 0018-9359, DOI 10.1109/TE.2010.2044506, pp. 87-96, February 2011.
- S. de Pablo, L.C. Herrero, F. Martinez, and A.B. Rey-Boue, "Encapsulating connections on SoC designs using ASM++ charts", Advanced Techniques in Computing Sciences and Software Engineering, Ed. Springer, ISBN 978-90-481-3659-9, e-ISBN 978-90-481-3660-5, pp. 323-328, 2010.
- F. Martinez, J.M. Ruiz, C. Perez, and J.M. Gonzalez, "Definicion de criterios de Evaluacion en metodologia de aprendizaje basado en proyectos", Cuadernos de Innovacion Educativa en las Ensenanzas Tecnicas Universitarias, vol. 1, n. 2, Gijon, Asturias, ISSN 1887-1976, pp. 103-111, 2007.
- J.A. Dominguez, F. Martinez, J.M. Ruiz, and S. Lorenzo, "Using Ultracapacitors in Photovoltaic Systems. A technical proposal", Renewable energy & power quality journal, vol. 1, n. 4, ISSN 2172-038X, pp. 163-166, 2006.
- D. Ramirez, M. Ebrahim Zarei, F. Martinez, and L.C. Herrero de Lucas, "Metodo de control de un convertidor electronico CC/CA trifasico con fallo en una fase", Pais de prioridad Espana, , 27.04.2020.
- D. Ramirez, M. Ebrahim Zarei, F. Martinez, and L.C. Herrero de Lucas, "Metodo y sistema de control predictivo de un convertidor CC/CA", Pais de prioridad Espana, , 11.09.2020.
- D. Ramirez, F. Martinez, L.C. Herrero, and S. de Pablo, "Metodo y sistema de control de un convertidor modular multinivel de corriente continua de alta tension", Pais de prioridad Espana, , 03.2017.
- F. Martinez, S. de Pablo, and L.C. Herrero, "Convertidor multinivel con tension adaptativa", Pais de prioridad Espana, , 08.2015.
- F. Martinez, S. de Pablo, and L.C. Herrero, "Convertidor multinivel fuente de corriente", Pais de prioridad Espana, , 08.2015.
- F. Martinez, L.C. Herrero, and S. de Pablo, "Emulador de turbina eolica", Pais de prioridad Espana, Numero de publicacion: 2 353 088, 22.12.2011.
- S. de Pablo, L.C. Herrero, F. Martinez, J.A. Cebrian, and S. Caceres, "Recent advances in ASM++ methodology for FPGA design", 7th FPGAworld Conference 2010 (web), Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2010.
- S. de Pablo, A.B. Rey-Boue, L.C. Herrero, and F. Martinez, "Hexagon based Algorithm for Space Vector Modulation on Multilevel Voltage Source Inverters", 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2010), Bari, Italy, July 2010.
- S. de Pablo, A.B. Rey-Boue, L.C. Herrero, and F. Martinez, "A graphical method for SVM duty cycles computation. Application on two-level and multi-level inverters.", 13th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE 2009), Barcelona, Spain, September 2009.
- F. Martinez, S. de Pablo, and L.C. Herrero, "Fixed Pitch Wind Turbine Emulator using a DC Motor and a Series Resistor", 13th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE 2009), Barcelona, Spain, September 2009.
- S. de Pablo, L.C. Herrero, F. Martinez, and M. Berrocal, "ASM++ charts: an intuitive circuit representation ranging from low level RTL to SoC design", 5th FPGAworld Conference 2008 (web), Stockholm, Sweden, September 2008.
- L.C. Herrero, S. de Pablo, F. Martinez, J.M. Ruiz, J.M. Gonzalez, and A.B. Rey-Boue, "Comparative Analysis of the Techniques of Current Commutation in Matrix Converters", IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2007), Vigo, Spain, June 2007.
- F. Martinez, L.C. Herrero, J.M. Ruiz, and J.A. Dominguez, "Wind turbine with induction generator controlled to extract the maximum power", IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2007), Vigo, Spain, June 2007.
- F. Martinez, L.C. Herrero, S. de Pablo, and J.M. Gonzalez, "Analysis of the efficiency improvement in small wind turbines when speed is controlled", IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2007), Vigo, Spain, June 2007.
- L.C. Herrero, S. de Pablo, F. Martinez, and A.B. Rey-Boue, "Algoritmo de control Sliding en fuente de corriente para convertidores CA/CA matriciales", Seminario Anual de Automatica, Electronica Industrial e Instrumentacion (SAAEI 2006), Gijon, Spain, September 2006.
- L.C. Herrero, S. de Pablo, F. Martinez, and A.B. Rey-Boue, "Sistema multimedia de apoyo a las practicas de Electronica de Potencia", VII Congreso Internacional de Tecnologias Aplicadas a la Ensenanza de la Electronica (TAEE 2006), Madrid, Spain, July 2006.
- L.C. Herrero, S. de Pablo, F. Martinez, J.M. Ruiz, and A.B. Rey-Boue, "Diseno e Implementacion sobre FPGA de la Estrategia de Conmutacion de Corriente en Cuatro Pasos para un Convertidor CA/CA Directo", Seminario Anual de Automatica, Electronica Industrial e Instrumentacion (SAAEI 2005), Vigo, Spain, 2005.
- F.J. Plaza, L.C. Herrero, and F. Martinez, "Controlador fuzzy de velocidad de motores asincronos con deslizamiento constante", XII Congreso Espanol sobre Tecnologias Fuzzy (ESTYLF 2004), Jaen, Spain, September 2004.
- L.C. Herrero, S. de Pablo, J.M. Ruiz, F. Martinez, and F. Plaza, "Current commutation strategies in direct CA/CA converters", Telecomunicacion, Electronica y Control (TELEC 04), Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, July 2004.
- L.C. Herrero, J.M. Ruiz, S. de Pablo, F. Martinez, and A.B. Rey-Boue, "Analisis Comparativo de las Tecnicas de Conmutacion de Corriente en Convertidores CA/CA Directos", Annual Seminar on Automatic Control, Industrial Electronics and Instrumentation, Electronique de Puissance du Futur (SAAEI-EPF 2004), Toulouse, France, 2004.
- L.C. Herrero, S. de Pablo, J.M. Ruiz, F. Martinez, and F.J. Plaza, "Nuevo Algoritmo de Control Sliding Vectorial en Fuente de Corriente para Convertidores CA/CA Directos", Seminario Anual de Automatica, Electronica Industrial e Instrumentacion (SAAEI 2003), Vigo, Spain, September 2003.
- L.C. Herrero, J.M. Ruiz, S. de Pablo, F. Martinez, and F.J. Plaza, "Diseno del Filtro de Entrada en Convertidores CA/CA Directos Controlados Mediante Estrategia PWM Indirecta", Seminario Anual de Automatica, Electronica Industrial e Instrumentacion (SAAEI 2003), Vigo, Spain, September 2003.
- F. Martinez, J.A. Dominguez, J.M. Ruiz, L.C. Herrero, and F.J. Plaza, "Control de una turbina eolica para obtener la maxima potencia empleando generador de imanes permanentes o de induccion", Seminario Anual de Automatica, Electronica Industrial e Instrumentacion (SAAEI 2003), Vigo, Spain, September 2003.
- L.C. Herrero, J.M. Ruiz, F. Martinez, S. de Pablo, J.A. Dominguez, and S. Lorenzo, "Direct CA/CA Converters Controlled By Means of Scalar Control Algorithm. Design Procedure of the Input Filter for the Compliance With the Normative EN61000-3-2", Scientific Advances on Civil and Industrial Engineering (SACIE 2003), Algeciras, Spain, 2003.
- F. Martinez, J.M. Ruiz, J.A. Dominguez, and L.C. Herrero, "Sensorless control of a squirrel cage induction generator to track the peak power in a wind turbine", International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation (IECON 2002), Sevilla, Spain, November 2002.
- J.A. Dominguez, S. Lorenzo, J.M. Ruiz, and F. Martinez, "INCA power conditioner EU project, two applications module system", PV in Europe from Technology to Energy Solutions Conference and Exhibition, Rome, Italy, October 2002.
- F. Martinez, J.M. Ruiz, J.A. Dominguez, and L.C. Herrero, "Sistema de control de una turbina eolica de pequeno tamano que emplea un generador de induccion. Comparacion con un generador de imanes permanentes comercial", Seminario Anual de Automatica, Electronica Industrial e Instrumentacion (SAAEI 2002), Alcala de Henares, Spain, September 2002.
- F. Martinez, M.A. Martin, and J.M. Garcia, "Grados en ingenieria de la rama industrial. Comites de titulo, verticales y horizontales", XIX Congreso Universitario de Innovacion Educativa en las Ensenanzas Tecnicas (CUIEET 2011), Barcelona, Spain, July 2011.
- M.A. Martin, C. Perez, I. Sanchez, F. Martinez, and J.M. Garcia, "Programa de accion tutorial en la Escuela de Ingenierias Industriales de la Universidad de Valladolid", XIX Congreso Universitario de Innovacion Educativa en las Ensenanzas Tecnicas (CUIEET 2011), Barcelona, Spain, July 2011.
- M.A. Martin, J.M. Garcia, C. Perez, F. Martinez, and I. Sanchez, "De las Escuelas de Ingenieria Industrial a la Escuela de Ingenierias Industriales", XIX Congreso Universitario de Innovacion Educativa en las Ensenanzas Tecnicas (CUIEET 2011), Barcelona, Spain, July 2011.
- C. Perez, F. Martinez, M.E. Alarcia, D. Llanos, I. Lopez, S. Martin, B. Martinez, M.R. Patino, M.C. Quintano, A. Portillo, I. Sanchez, and A. Tarrero, "Estandares de calidad en la Ensenanza superior", XVIII Congreso Universitario de Innovacion Educativa en las Ensenanzas Tecnicas (CUIEET 2010), Santander, Spain, July 2010.
- C. Perez, B. Martinez, F. Martinez, A.L. Zorita, M.E. Alarcia, I. Lopez, S. Martin, M.R. Patino, A. Portillo, I. Sanchez, and A. Tarrero, "Analisis de diversas actividades orientadas a la adquisicion de competencias genericas", 16 Congreso Universitario de Innovacion Educativa en las Ensenanzas Tecnicas (CUIEET 2008), Cadiz, Spain, July 2008.
- M.A. Martin, J.M. Garcia, and F. Martinez, "Comparativa entre las opiniones de los egresados y los empleadores en relacion con las competencias demandadas en Ensenanzas Tecnicas", 16 Congreso Universitario de Innovacion Educativa en las Ensenanzas Tecnicas (CUIEET 2008), Cadiz, Spain, July 2008.
- M.A. Martin, J.M. Garcia, and F. Martinez, "Competencias que demandan los empleadores a los egresados en Ensenanzas Tecnicas", 16 Congreso Universitario de Innovacion Educativa en las Ensenanzas Tecnicas (CUIEET 2008), Cadiz, Spain, July 2008.
- M.A. Martin, J.M. Garcia, and F. Martinez, "Opinion de los colegios profesionales en relacion con los contenidos de las nuevas titulaciones", 16 Congreso Universitario de Innovacion Educativa en las Ensenanzas Tecnicas (CUIEET 2008), Cadiz, Spain, July 2008.
- I. Lopez, M.R. Patino, A. Tarrero, M.E. Alarcia, S. Martin, B. Martinez, F. Martinez, A. Portillo, I. Sanchez, A.L. Zorita, and C. Perez, "Diseno de Una ficha de Evaluacion para las asignaturas de una carrera tecnica", 16 Congreso Universitario de Innovacion Educativa en las Ensenanzas Tecnicas (CUIEET 2008), Cadiz, Spain, July 2008.
- M.E. Alarcia, S. Martin, A. Portillo, I. Sanchez, I. Lopez, B. Martinez, F. Martinez, M.R. Patino, C. Perez, A. Tarrero, and A.L. Zorita, "Diseno y validacion de una herramienta para la estimacion de la carga global del profesor y del estudiante", 16 Congreso Universitario de Innovacion Educativa en las Ensenanzas Tecnicas (CUIEET 2008), Cadiz, Spain, July 2008.
- L.C. Herrero, F.R. Pardo, and F. Martinez, "Evaluacion formativa una nueva manera de entender la Evaluacion: aplicacion a estudiantes de Ingenieria Tecnica de Telecomunicacion", V Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria e Innovacion (CIDUI 2008), Lleida, Spain, July 2008.
- C. Perez, F. Martinez, M.E. Alarcia, I. Lopez, S. Martin, B. Martinez, M.R. Patino, A. Portillo, I. Sanchez, A. Tarrero, and A.L. Zorita, "Grupo de Innovacion docente para el Diseno de documentacion y Analisis de metodos docentes y de Evaluacion en Ingenieria Tecnica", V Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria e Innovacion (CIDUI 2008), Lleida, Spain, July 2008.
- F. Martinez, "Simulacion del Suplemento Europeo al titulo en la titulacion de I.T. en Diseno Industrial en la E.U.P. de Valladolid", Experiencias de Innovacion Docente en la Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain, September 2007.
- L.C.Herrero, A.E. Arranz, F. Martinez, J.M. Ruiz, J.M. Gonzalez, and J.M. Garcia, "Experiencia de Innovacion metodologica en la asignatura Electronica de Potencia", Experiencias de Innovacion Docente en la Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain, September 2007.
- F. Martinez, J.M. Ruiz, C. Perez, and J.M. Gonzalez, "Definicion de criterios de Evaluacion en metodologia de aprendizaje basado en proyectos", 15 Congreso Universitario de Innovacion Educativa en las Ensenanzas Tecnicas (CUIEET 2007), Valladolid, Spain, July 2007.
- A.E. Arranz, D. Escudero, L.C. Herrero, F. Martinez, C. Perez, and J.M. Ruiz, "Evaluacion de la calidad en la educacion superior en U.S.A.", 15 Congreso Universitario de Innovacion Educativa en las Ensenanzas Tecnicas (CUIEET 2007), Valladolid, Spain, July 2007.
- F. Martinez, J.M. Ruiz, A.E. Arranz, J.M. Gonzalez, L.C. Herrero, J.M. Mena, and C. Perez, "Experiencias de Innovacion educativa en el area de Tecnologia Electronica", 15 Congreso Universitario de Innovacion Educativa en las Ensenanzas Tecnicas (CUIEET 2007), Valladolid, Spain, July 2007.
- L.C. Herrero, A.E. Arranz, F. Martinez, J.M. Ruiz, J.M. Gonzalez, and J.M. Garcia, "Experiencia de Innovacion metodologica en la asignatura de Electronica de Potencia", 15 Congreso Universitario de Innovacion Educativa en las Ensenanzas Tecnicas (CUIEET 2007), Valladolid, Spain, July 2007.
- A.E. Arranz, J.M. Ruiz, L.C. Herrero, C. Perez, F. Martinez, and J.M. Mena, "La acreditacion como forma de evaluar la calidad en la educacion superior en Estados Unidos", 15 Congreso Universitario de Innovacion Educativa en las Ensenanzas Tecnicas (CUIEET 2007), Valladolid, Spain, July 2007.
- J.M. Gonzalez, M.C.Martinez, F. Martinez, O. Angulo, E. Cuesta, D. Llanos, and A. Portillo, "Aplicacion del Suplemento Europeo al titulo en la Escuela Universitaria Politecnica de Valladolid", 15 Congreso Universitario de Innovacion Educativa en las Ensenanzas Tecnicas (CUIEET 2007), Valladolid, Spain, July 2007.
- F. Martinez, A.E. Arranz, L.C. Herrero, and J.M. Ruiz, "Elaboracion de objetivos especificos de aprendizaje en la asignatura Electronica de Potencia: Definicion y Evaluacion de la experiencia", 15 Congreso Universitario de Innovacion Educativa en las Ensenanzas Tecnicas (CUIEET 2007), Valladolid, Spain, July 2007.
- L.C. Herrero, J.M. Gonzalez, F. Martinez, S. de Pablo, and J.M. Ruiz, "Sistema de Evaluacion empleado en las practicas de la asignatura Electronica de Potencia", II Jornadas Internacionales de Innovacion Educativa de la EPS de Zamora, Zamora, Spain, June 2007.
- F. Martinez, L.C. Herrero, J.M. Gonzalez, and J.M. Ruiz, "Experiencia de apendizaje cooperativo tipo puzzle en la asignatura Electronica de Potencia", 4 Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria e Innovacion (CIDUI 2006), Barcelona, Spain, July 2006.
- F. Martinez, L.C. Herrero, J.M. Gonzalez, and J.A. Dominguez, "Project based learning experience in Industrial Electronics and Industrial Applications Design", Innovative Teaching and Learning in Engineering Education, Valladolid, Spain, May 2006.
- L.C. Herrero, F. Martinez, S. de Pablo, J.M. Ruiz, J.M. Gonzalez, and J.A. Cebrian, "Proposal for the adaptation of the subject of Analog Integrated Circuit to European Credit Transfer System", Innovative Teaching and Learning in Engineering Education, Valladolid, Spain, May 2006.
- B. Martinez, M.L. Gonzalez, A. Portillo, M.E. Alaracia, A. de Una, M.C. Martinez, C. Perez, F. Martinez, M.A. Esandi, and A. Martinez, "Several experiencies of active/cooperative learning in technical courses", Innovative Teaching and Learning in Engineering Education, Valladolid, Spain, May 2006.