Contact Info
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Fernando Martínez
Dept. Electronics Technology
University of Valladolid


Esc. Ingenierías Industriales
P. Prado de la Magdalena 3-5
47011 Valladolid
Spain / España

Phone: (+34) 983 42 39 21
Fax:     (+34) 983 18 48 65



During the current course I teach the following subjects:

    Power Electronics Systems (47656)

      4th Course on Degree in Energy Engineering.
      1st Semester. Compulsory subject. 4.5 ECTS.

    Electronic Systems for Photovoltaic and Wind Power Generation (42410)

      4th Course on Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automatics.
      1st Semester. Elective subject. 6 ECTS.

    Power Electronics (42383)

      3rd Course on Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automatics.
      2nd Semester. Compulsory subject. 6 ECTS.

    Electronic Design Methods and Tools (42384)

      3rd Course on Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automatics.
      2nd Semester. Compulsory subject. 6 ECTS.


You may meet me at the Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales (site "Doctor Mergelina"), fourth floor, or you may also send me an e-mail.

This is my mentoring timetable during the first semester (Oct-Feb):

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

This is my mentoring timetable during the second semester (Mar-Jun):

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Template downloaded from free website templates.