Contact Info
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Fernando Martínez
Dept. Electronics Technology
University of Valladolid


Esc. Ingenierías Industriales
P. Prado de la Magdalena 3-5
47011 Valladolid
Spain / España

Phone: (+34) 983 42 39 21
Fax:     (+34) 983 18 48 65

Web page of Fernando Martínez


Welcome, this is my personal web page. I am Fernando Martínez, Associate Profesor at the Department of Electronics Technology at the University of Valladolid, Spain. I work in Valladolid, at the Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales (site "Doctor Mergelina").

My research interests within the research group of Renewable Energies, Power Electronics and Electronic Design deeper include modular multilevel converters and converters for photovoltaic and wind applications. Within the group of educational innovation in Power Electronics at the University of Valladolid GIDEPUVa, my research focuses on the implementation of cooperative learning and project-based learning techniques.

Información docente

If you are looking for detailed information about my classes or mentoring, please follow this link.

Áreas de investigación

In this section you will know more about my research fields and projects.

Resultados de investigación

Herein you will see a list of my most recent publications (books, journals, patents and communications).

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